Source code for ipywebrtc.webrtc

from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import logging
    from urllib import urlopen  # py2
except ImportError:
    from urllib.request import urlopen  # py3
from traitlets import (
    Bool, Bytes, Dict, Instance, Int, List, TraitError, Unicode, validate,
from ipywidgets import DOMWidget, Image, Video, Audio, register, widget_serialization
from ipython_genutils.py3compat import string_types
import ipywebrtc._version
import traitlets
import ipywidgets as widgets

logger = logging.getLogger("jupyter-webrtc")
semver_range_frontend = "~" + ipywebrtc._version.__version_js__

[docs]@register class MediaStream(DOMWidget): """Represents a media source. See for details In practice this can a stream coming from an HTMLVideoElement, HTMLCanvasElement (could be a WebGL canvas) or a camera/webcam/microphone using getUserMedia. The currently supported MediaStream (subclasses) are: * :class:`VideoStream`: A video file/data as media stream. * :class:`CameraStream`: Webcam/camera as media stream. * :class:`ImageStream`: An image as a static stream. * :class:`WidgetStream`: Arbitrary DOMWidget as stream. A MediaStream can be used with: * :class:`VideoRecorder`: To record a movie * :class:`ImageRecorder`: To create images/snapshots. * :class:`AudioRecorder`: To record audio. * :class:`WebRTCRoom` (or rather :class:`WebRTCRoomMqtt`): To stream a media stream to a (set of) peers. """ _model_module = Unicode('jupyter-webrtc').tag(sync=True) _view_module = Unicode('jupyter-webrtc').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('MediaStreamView').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('MediaStreamModel').tag(sync=True) _view_module_version = Unicode(semver_range_frontend).tag(sync=True) _model_module_version = Unicode(semver_range_frontend).tag(sync=True)
# for backwards compatibility with ipyvolume HasStream = MediaStream
[docs]@register class WidgetStream(MediaStream): """Represents a widget media source. """ _model_name = Unicode('WidgetStreamModel').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('WidgetStreamView').tag(sync=True) widget = Instance(DOMWidget, allow_none=False, help='An instance of ipywidgets.DOMWidget that will be the source of the MediaStream.')\ .tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) max_fps = Int(None, allow_none=True, help="(int, default None) The maximum amount of frames per second to capture, or only on new data when the valeus is None.")\ .tag(sync=True) _html2canvas_start_streaming = Bool(False).tag(sync=True) @validate('max_fps') def _valid_fps(self, proposal): if proposal['value'] is not None and proposal['value'] < 0: raise TraitError('max_fps attribute must be a positive integer') return proposal['value']
[docs]@register class ImageStream(MediaStream): """Represent a media stream by a static image""" _model_name = Unicode('ImageStreamModel').tag(sync=True) image = Instance( Image, help="An ipywidgets.Image instance that will be the source of the media stream." ).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename, **kwargs): """Create a `ImageStream` from a local file. Parameters ---------- filename: str The location of a file to read into the value from disk. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments for `ImageStream` Returns an `ImageStream`. """ return cls(image=Image.from_file(filename), **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url, **kwargs): """Create a `ImageStream` from a url. This will create a `ImageStream` from an Image using its url Parameters ---------- url: str The url of the file that will be used for the .image trait. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments for `ImageStream` Returns an `ImageStream`. """ return cls(image=Image.from_url(url), **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_download(cls, url, **kwargs): """Create a `ImageStream` from a url by downloading Parameters ---------- url: str The url of the file that will be downloadeded and its bytes assigned to the value trait of the video trait. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments for `ImageStream` Returns an `ImageStream` with the value set from the content of a url. """ ext = os.path.splitext(url)[1] if ext: format = ext[1:] image = Image(value=urlopen(url).read(), format=format) return cls(image=image, **kwargs)
[docs]@register class VideoStream(MediaStream): """Represent a stream of a video element""" _model_name = Unicode('VideoStreamModel').tag(sync=True) video = Instance( Video, allow_none=False, help="An ipywidgets.Video instance that will be the source of the media stream." ).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) playing = Bool(True, help='Plays the videostream or pauses it.').tag(sync=True)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename, **kwargs): """Create a `VideoStream` from a local file. Parameters ---------- filename: str The location of a file to read into the value from disk. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments for `VideoStream` Returns an `VideoStream`. """ video = Video.from_file(filename, autoplay=False, controls=False) return cls(video=video, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_url(cls, url, **kwargs): """Create a `VideoStream` from a url. This will create a `VideoStream` from a Video using its url Parameters ---------- url: str The url of the file that will be used for the .video trait. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments for `VideoStream` Returns an `VideoStream`. """ video = Video.from_url(url, autoplay=False, controls=False) return cls(video=video, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_download(cls, url, **kwargs): """Create a `VideoStream` from a url by downloading Parameters ---------- url: str The url of the file that will be downloadeded and its bytes assigned to the value trait of the video trait. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments for `VideoStream` Returns an `VideoStream` with the value set from the content of a url. """ ext = os.path.splitext(url)[1] if ext: format = ext[1:] video = Video(value=urlopen(url).read(), format=format, autoplay=False, controls=False) return cls(video=video, **kwargs)
@register class AudioStream(MediaStream): """Represent a stream of an audio element""" _model_name = Unicode('AudioStreamModel').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('AudioStreamView').tag(sync=True) audio = Instance( Audio, help="An ipywidgets.Audio instance that will be the source of the media stream." ).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) playing = Bool(True, help='Plays the audiostream or pauses it.').tag(sync=True) @classmethod def from_file(cls, filename, **kwargs): """Create a `AudioStream` from a local file. Parameters ---------- filename: str The location of a file to read into the audio value from disk. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments for `AudioStream` Returns an `AudioStream`. """ audio = Audio.from_file(filename, autoplay=False, controls=False) return cls(audio=audio, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_url(cls, url, **kwargs): """Create a `AudioStream` from a url. This will create a `AudioStream` from an Audio using its url Parameters ---------- url: str The url of the file that will be used for the .audio trait. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments for `AudioStream` Returns an `AudioStream`. """ audio = Audio.from_url(url, autoplay=False, controls=False) return cls(audio=audio, **kwargs) @classmethod def from_download(cls, url, **kwargs): """Create a `AudioStream` from a url by downloading Parameters ---------- url: str The url of the file that will be downloadeded and its bytes assigned to the value trait of the video trait. **kwargs: Extra keyword arguments for `AudioStream` Returns an `AudioStream` with the value set from the content of a url. """ ext = os.path.splitext(url)[1] if ext: format = ext[1:] audio = Audio(value=urlopen(url).read(), format=format, autoplay=False, controls=False) return cls(audio=audio, **kwargs)
[docs]@register class CameraStream(MediaStream): """Represents a media source by a camera/webcam/microphone using getUserMedia. See for more detail. The constraints trait can be set to specify constraints for the camera or microphone, which is described in the documentation of getUserMedia, such as in the link above, Two convenience methods are avaiable to easily get access to the 'front' and 'back' camera, when present >>> CameraStream.facing_user(audio=False) >>> CameraStream.facing_environment(audio=False) """ _model_name = Unicode('CameraStreamModel').tag(sync=True) # Specify audio constraint and video constraint # see constraints = Dict( {'audio': True, 'video': True}, help='Constraints for the camera, see for details.' ).tag(sync=True)
[docs] @classmethod def facing_user(cls, audio=True, **kwargs): """Convenience method to get the camera facing the user (often front) Parameters ---------- audio: bool Capture audio or not kwargs: Extra keyword arguments passed to the `CameraStream` """ return cls._facing(facing_mode='user', audio=audio, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def facing_environment(cls, audio=True, **kwargs): """Convenience method to get the camera facing the environment (often the back) Parameters ---------- audio: bool Capture audio or not kwargs: Extra keyword arguments passed to the `CameraStream` """ return cls._facing(facing_mode='environment', audio=audio, **kwargs)
@staticmethod def _facing(facing_mode, audio=True, **kwargs): kwargs = dict(kwargs) constraints = kwargs.pop('constraints', {}) if 'audio' not in constraints: constraints['audio'] = audio if 'video' not in constraints: constraints['video'] = {} constraints['video']['facingMode'] = facing_mode return CameraStream(constraints=constraints, **kwargs)
class Recorder(DOMWidget): _model_module = Unicode('jupyter-webrtc').tag(sync=True) _view_module = Unicode('jupyter-webrtc').tag(sync=True) _view_module_version = Unicode(semver_range_frontend).tag(sync=True) _model_module_version = Unicode(semver_range_frontend).tag(sync=True) stream = Instance(MediaStream, allow_none=True, help="An instance of :class:`MediaStream` that is the source for recording.")\ .tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) filename = Unicode('record', help='The filename used for downloading or auto saving.').tag(sync=True) format = Unicode('webm', help='The format of the recording.').tag(sync=True) recording = Bool(False, help='(boolean) Indicator and controller of the recorder state, i.e. putting the value to True will start recording.').tag(sync=True) autosave = Bool(False, help='If true, will save the data to a file once the recording is finished (based on filename and format)').tag(sync=True) _data_src = Unicode('').tag(sync=True) def download(self): """Download the recording (usually a popup appears in the browser)""" self.send({'msg': 'download'})
[docs]@register class ImageRecorder(Recorder): """Creates a recorder which allows to grab an Image from a MediaStream widget. """ _model_name = Unicode('ImageRecorderModel').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('ImageRecorderView').tag(sync=True) image = Instance(Image).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) format = Unicode('png', help='The format of the image.').tag(sync=True) _width = Unicode().tag(sync=True) _height = Unicode().tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, format='png', filename=Undefined, recording=False, autosave=False, **kwargs): super(ImageRecorder, self).__init__( format=format, filename=filename, recording=recording, autosave=autosave, **kwargs) if 'image' not in kwargs: # Set up initial observer on child: self.image.observe(self._check_autosave, 'value') @traitlets.default('image') def _default_image(self): return Image(width=self._width, height=self._height, format=self.format) @observe('_width') def _update_image_width(self, change): self.image.width = self._width @observe('_height') def _update_image_height(self, change): self.image.height = self._height @observe('format') def _update_image_format(self, change): self.image.format = self.format @observe('image') def _bind_image(self, change): if change.old: change.old.unobserve(self._check_autosave, 'value'), 'value') def _check_autosave(self, change): if len(self.image.value) and self.autosave:
[docs] def save(self, filename=None): """Save the image to a file, if no filename is given it is based on the filename trait and the format. >>> recorder = ImageRecorder(filename='test', format='png') >>> ... >>> # will save to test.png >>>'foo') # will save to foo.png >>>'foo.dat') # will save to foo.dat """ filename = filename or self.filename if '.' not in filename: filename += '.' + self.format if len(self.image.value) == 0: raise ValueError('No data, did you record anything?') with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(self.image.value)
[docs]@register class VideoRecorder(Recorder): """Creates a recorder which allows to record a MediaStream widget, play the record in the Notebook, and download it or turn it into a Video widget. For help on supported values for the "codecs" attribute, see """ _model_name = Unicode('VideoRecorderModel').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('VideoRecorderView').tag(sync=True) video = Instance(Video).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) codecs = Unicode('', help='Optional codecs for the recording, e.g. "vp8" or "vp9, opus".').tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, format='webm', filename=Undefined, recording=False, autosave=False, **kwargs): super(VideoRecorder, self).__init__( format=format, filename=filename, recording=recording, autosave=autosave, **kwargs) if 'video' not in kwargs: # Set up initial observer on child:, 'value') @traitlets.default('video') def _default_video(self): return Video(format=self.format, controls=True) @observe('format') def _update_video_format(self, change): = self.format @observe('video') def _bind_video(self, change): if change.old: change.old.unobserve(self._check_autosave, 'value'), 'value') def _check_autosave(self, change): if len( and self.autosave:
[docs] def save(self, filename=None): """Save the video to a file, if no filename is given it is based on the filename trait and the format. >>> recorder = VideoRecorder(filename='test', format='mp4') >>> ... >>> # will save to test.mp4 >>>'foo') # will save to foo.mp4 >>>'foo.dat') # will save to foo.dat """ filename = filename or self.filename if '.' not in filename: filename += '.' + self.format if len( == 0: raise ValueError('No data, did you record anything?') with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(
[docs]@register class AudioRecorder(Recorder): """Creates a recorder which allows to record the Audio of a MediaStream widget, play the record in the Notebook, and download it or turn it into an Audio widget. For help on supported values for the "codecs" attribute, see """ _model_name = Unicode('AudioRecorderModel').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('AudioRecorderView').tag(sync=True) audio = Instance(Audio).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) codecs = Unicode('', help='Optional codecs for the recording, e.g. "opus".').tag(sync=True) def __init__(self, format='webm', filename=Undefined, recording=False, autosave=False, **kwargs): super(AudioRecorder, self).__init__( format=format, filename=filename, recording=recording, autosave=autosave, **kwargs) if 'audio' not in kwargs: # Set up initial observer on child:, 'value') @traitlets.default('audio') def _default_audio(self): return Audio(format=self.format, controls=True) @observe('format') def _update_audio_format(self, change): = self.format @observe('audio') def _bind_audio(self, change): if change.old: change.old.unobserve(self._check_autosave, 'value'), 'value') def _check_autosave(self, change): if len( and self.autosave:
[docs] def save(self, filename=None): """Save the audio to a file, if no filename is given it is based on the filename trait and the format. >>> recorder = AudioRecorder(filename='test', format='mp3') >>> ... >>> # will save to test.mp3 >>>'foo') # will save to foo.mp3 >>>'foo.dat') # will save to foo.dat """ filename = filename or self.filename if '.' not in filename: filename += '.' + self.format if len( == 0: raise ValueError('No data, did you record anything?') with open(filename, 'wb') as f: f.write(
[docs]@register class WebRTCPeer(DOMWidget): """A peer-to-peer webrtc connection""" _model_module = Unicode('jupyter-webrtc').tag(sync=True) _view_module = Unicode('jupyter-webrtc').tag(sync=True) _view_name = Unicode('WebRTCPeerView').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('WebRTCPeerModel').tag(sync=True) _view_module_version = Unicode(semver_range_frontend).tag(sync=True) _model_module_version = Unicode(semver_range_frontend).tag(sync=True) stream_local = Instance(MediaStream, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) stream_remote = Instance(MediaStream, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) id_local = Unicode('').tag(sync=True) id_remote = Unicode('').tag(sync=True) connected = Bool(False, read_only=True).tag(sync=True) failed = Bool(False, read_only=True).tag(sync=True)
[docs] def connect(self): self.send({'msg': 'connect'})
[docs]@register class WebRTCRoom(DOMWidget): """A 'chatroom', which consists of a list of :`WebRTCPeer` connections """ _model_module = Unicode('jupyter-webrtc').tag(sync=True) _view_module = Unicode('jupyter-webrtc').tag(sync=True) _model_name = Unicode('WebRTCRoomModel').tag(sync=True) _view_module_version = Unicode(semver_range_frontend).tag(sync=True) _model_module_version = Unicode(semver_range_frontend).tag(sync=True) room = Unicode('room').tag(sync=True) stream = Instance(MediaStream, allow_none=True).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) room_id = Unicode(read_only=True).tag(sync=True) nickname = Unicode('anonymous').tag(sync=True) peers = List(Instance(WebRTCPeer), [], allow_none=False).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization) streams = List(Instance(MediaStream), [], allow_none=False).tag(sync=True, **widget_serialization)
[docs]@register class WebRTCRoomLocal(WebRTCRoom): _model_name = Unicode('WebRTCRoomLocalModel').tag(sync=True)
[docs]@register class WebRTCRoomMqtt(WebRTCRoom): """Use a mqtt server to connect to other peers""" _model_name = Unicode('WebRTCRoomMqttModel').tag(sync=True) server = Unicode('wss://').tag(sync=True)
# add all help strings to the __doc__ for the api docstrings for name, cls in list(vars().items()): try: if issubclass(cls, traitlets.HasTraits): for trait_name, trait in cls.class_traits().items(): if 'help' in trait.metadata: trait.__doc__ = trait.metadata['help'] except TypeError: pass